25 Siput Di Wajah Bocah 9 Thn

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Tiana Walton membiarkan 25 ekor siput menutupi mata, hidung dan juga mulutnya. Prestasinya itu membuat Tiana mengalahkan rekor sebelumnya milik Liam Kenny asal Australia dengan 15 ekor siput di wajahnya.

Menurut peraturan, pemecah rekor baru hanya diberi waktu satu menit untuk menaruh siput di wajahnya dan kemudian harus menatap tegap selama 10 detik. Tiana berhasil dan namanya pun akan masuk dalam buku rekor dunia Guinness.

"Terasa sedikit dingin tapi saya tetap rileks. Siput-siput itu bau dan saya bisa melihat mata mereka melotot." -Tiana Walton-

Terdaftar dalam buku rekor Guinness rupanya bukan hal baru bagi keluarga gadis asal Cheshire, Inggris itu. Sang ibunda, Tommy tercatat dalam buku rekor dunia Guinness pada tahun 1980 untuk mengembangkan lemon terbesar di dunia.


Schoolgirl smashes the world record as she lets 25 snails
slide across her face

There will be no need for a slow-motion replay to confirm this record-breaking feat.
Schoolgirl Tiana Walton has slithered into the record books - for having the most snails on her face at once.

Nine-year-old Tiana, who loves animals, bravely allowed 25 of the slimy creatures to cover her eyes, nose and mouth.
She smashed the previous record of 15, held by Australian Liam Kenny, and her unusual feat will appear in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Her previous personal best was just nine.

The rules state that competitors have just one minute to put the snails on their face before tipping their head forward for 10 seconds.
Tiana, of Alvanley, Cheshire, said: "I am not squeamish. It is relaxing but it feels a bit cold. They are quite smelly and you can see their big long eyes facing you. I think my friends at school will say 'urgh'."

Local vet Ken Robinson witnessed the attempt and ensured no snails were harmed. He said: "It is a superb achievement and all the snails have been treated to a gourmet meal."

Tiana said her next ambition is to become an Olympic gymnast.
Setting records runs in the family as Tiana's mother, Tommy, herself appeared in the Guinness Book Of World Records in 1980 for growing the largest lemon in the world weighing 3Ib 14oz..

Tania Walton

Snails face: Tania smashed the previous record of 15 snails set in Australia while the most she had had on her face before was nine.

She smashed the previous record of 15, held by Australian Liam Kenny, and her unusual feat will appear in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Her previous personal best was just nine.

The rules state that competitors have just one minute to put the snails on their face before tipping their head forward for 10 seconds.

Tiana, of Alvanley, Cheshire, said: "I am not squeamish. It is relaxing but it feels a bit cold. They are quite smelly and you can see their big long eyes facing you. I think my friends at school will say 'urgh'."

Local vet Ken Robinson witnessed the attempt and ensured no snails were harmed. He said: "It is a superb achievement and all the snails have been treated to a gourmet meal."

Tiana said her next ambition is to become an Olympic gymnast.

Setting records runs in the family as Tiana’s mother, Tommy, herself appeared in the Guinness Book Of World Records in 1980 for growing the largest lemon in the world weighing 3Ib 14oz..

Tania Walton

The first of many: This was just the beginning...

Tania Walton

Slither: Tiana had to sit up for 10 seconds with the snails still on her face to make sure none of them slimed their way out of her record-breaking feat
